Thursday, January 13, 2011

Using balls to make trails!!!!!

Luka and I we partners for this project. We used 3 different types of balls we used a bouncy ball, a marble and a golf ball. The point of this was to see the reaction of the ball hitting something and to make tracks. The first way we made tracks was we get the bouncy ball and make it wet, then we get it and we roll it to the wall and the tracks will show on the wight paper. The second ball we used was a golf ball and for that ball we rolled it and the we used a marker to show were it went. The third ball we used is the marble and when we rolled we used the marker again.
So as you can see, the bouncy ball was the best because it bounced and came right back. In a little while i will post a video of it and i will have the picture of our research.    

1 comment:

  1. So, where is the picture and video of your research? You included your procedure, but the conclusion was missing. Please revise this post and put your data analysis and conclusion.
