Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Current event 2= Cockroaches could be good medicine.

Cockroaches could be good medicine 
Sept 27, 2010
by Stephen Ornes 

Two days ago scientists have discovered something new that doctors could ground- up cockroaches brains and then the brain has something in that fight diseases and infections. cockroaches have a compound that can kill E, you can get E by eating food or drinking something. E can cause infection, and that means your going to the hospital. Scientists have also seen that is the middle east there are these bugs called Locusts which is a type of grass hopper and they some how keep infections away. And this bug goes into the most disgusting places like died peoples tissue, in sewage, in drainage pipes and now scientists are trying to figure out how do they fight of the bacteria and parasites. 

And Locust and cockroaches have some kind of  infection killer in there blood. Scientists say its to early to go to a drug store and say i want cockroach but maybe later in the year cockroach might help humans fight infections.

I thought that this was a really interesting article and that if the scientist can pull it of to make cockroach brains help human fight infections.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When plant cry for help, predator bugs answer.

When plants cry for help, predator bugs answer.
Science Press Package 

This article is about how some animals and plants behave in there climate. All plants have a different way to protect them self for other animals/ life forms. For example, the Venus fly trap it has sharp teeth so it can kill predators that try to harm it, or the cactus it has over a thousand thorns so that animals cant eat it or stuff like that. When plants are being eaten by Caterpillars or something the saliva makes the plant have a "help me" signal so that other insects can come to rescue it.

When plants have taken damage they have a thing called "green leaf volatiles," or known as "GLV." GLV is when plants have been cut a send out an oder. Two scientist, Silke Allmann who works at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Science in Amsterdam, Netherlands and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jene, Germany and Ian Baldwin of the Max Plank Institute for Chemical Ecology, Have figured out that GLVs can spread a very signals, especially when it related to tobacco plants, Nico attenuate.

The scientist have found out that when the tobacco horn worm caterpillars, Manduca sexta, the Caterpillar saliva makes a change in the plants system. But when this happens a different insect comes and eats the horn worms eggs and larvae and when it does that it is protecting the plant. 

But the scientist say that they need more time to find out my does the Caterpillar saliva make other insects come to the scene. 

I found this article really interesting in sense of telling a lot about the insects and what they do when people aren't staring at the animals. I learned a lot from this article for example i never knew that a animals Silva can make other animals come to help or rescue the animals/ insect.  

Friday, September 10, 2010


If you want to survive in any climate you have got to these 3 senses hearing, sight and taste. There are three was to be born in egg form, living form and marsupial form. There are 4 ways of communicating echolocation, howling, Barking, Whining etc. What animals use to survive or to eat: the fox it plays died and then when bird come to investigate it attacks them, the snapper turtle keeps his mouth open and he has a tongue that looks likes a worm so fishes go to eat it and when the fish is in its mouth he closes his mouth and eats it.

What i learned in the movie is that our lives are so much easier then animals lives because they have to hunt to eat while we just go to the super market and they have to look out for poachers and they also have to protect them selfs from other animals.

This is a movie    

Monday, September 6, 2010

Living things and the Enviorment

1. The environment gives food, water and shelter for humans and animals to use.
2. When it is growing and when it excretes waste.
4. Because some organisms can only live in certain places for example if one organism live in a really hot climate like Africa and an other organism lived in the Arctic, If you take the organism thats lives in Africa and move it to Arctic and if you took the one that lives in the arctic and moved it to Africa the two organisms would die because they are not used to living in that climate.
5. Well in the winter most animals hibernate in the homes until spring starts, but before that animals the whole summer collect food and make a storage and they eat that food during the winter.

This is a video of a lioness with her cubs walking around and just chilling.  

If we took away the trees from there the lions will survive but i dont think all the other animals will. But if we took all the other animals away and the grass the lions would die because theres no food and because they would get way to hot.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A living thing is......

A living thing is... a thing that has
  • Cells
  • Grows 
  • Need Nutrients
  • Excrete waste 
  • Plants give Oxygen and humans exhale C02 
  • eat