Sound can come in Low and High frequencies and it can come in different intensities. The intensity of a sound wave is the amount of energy the wave carries per second through a unit area, that came right from the Science Explorer book. A sound wave with a bigger intensity will sound louder than a wave with lower intensity.
A sound that is lower than a normal person can hear is called Ultrasound. What i think that means is that Ultrasound is when dogs can hear it, like those special dog whistle.
When a sound wave goes toward the ear, the waves will go to the ear with high frequency. The pitch of the wave increases when it comes and that is called the Doppler affect.
A sound that is lower than a normal person can hear is called Ultrasound. What i think that means is that Ultrasound is when dogs can hear it, like those special dog whistle.
When a sound wave goes toward the ear, the waves will go to the ear with high frequency. The pitch of the wave increases when it comes and that is called the Doppler affect.
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