Thursday, January 13, 2011

Interacting with water Waves!!!!

For brins and my project we had to get a tube and fill it with water. With the water we used markers to make waves, with those waves we observed what would happen to the waves when they interact with something or with another wave.
In the observation we had to make 3 tapings with no blocker and then we had to do one with one blocker and one with two blockers. In our first try with no blockers, we taped lightly in two corners at the same time and as a result we got waves. The two waves crashed into each other and as a result we got even lighter waves because the waves slowed down when the two waves collided. In our second wave we taped harder in the exact same corners. So we had fast waves and when the collided the collision was greater. Because there are a lot of steps i will skip a few and go to our first try with a blocker, we put our first blocker on the left of the tube and we taped with one marker in the middle. So as a result we got a wave and when that wave took off it hit the blocker and then it bounced back, but some of the wave continued and it reached the other side of the tube.
So as you can see a wave can hit and object and then bounce back. A wave can come in many different ways a sound wave, sonar wave and a person talking is a wave as well. Waves are very interesting and come in very different ways.

1 comment:

  1. Rafa, the observations you made were good. Images of your drawings would have shown your data and supported them as well. Be sure to revise before you publish because there were some areas of misspellings which caused some confusion. Please include the conclusion and answer to the guiding question. If you need the guiding question again, let me know or check a classmates blog.
