Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Types of stress

There are 3 types of stress:

  1. Tension 
  2. Compression
  3. Shearing
Tension pulls on the crust, stretching the so that it becomes thinner in the middle. Tension happens when two plates are moving apart. 

Compression squeezes rock until it folds or breaks. One plate pushing against another can compress rock like a giant trash compactor

Shearing is a mass of rock in two opposite directions. Shearing can cause rock to break and slip apart or to change its shape. 

Kinds of faults:

  • When enough stress builds up in the rock, the rock breaks, creating a fault. Fault is a break in the rock of the crust where the rock surfaces slip past each other. 
  • The rocks on both sides of a fault can move up and down or side to side. 
  • Most faults occur along plate boundaries, where the forces of plate motion push or pull the crust so much that the crust breaks.
  • There are three main types of faults: normal faults, reverse faults and strike- slip faults.
Reverse faults:

  •  In places where the rock of crust of the crust is pushed together, compression causes reverse to form. 
  • A reverse fault has the same structure as a normal fault, but the blocks move in the opposite direction. 
  • The rock forming the hanging wall of a reverse faults produced part of the northern Rocky Mountains in the western United states and Canada. 
  • A normal fault, one side of a reverse fault lies at an angle above the other side. 
Strike- slip faults:

  • In places where plates move past each other, shearing creates strike- slip faults. 
  • In a strike- slip faults, the rocks on either side of the fault slips past each other side- ways, with little up and down motion. 
Changing Earths Surface:

  • The force produced by the movement of Earths plates can fold, stretch and uplift the crust. 
  • Over millions of years, the forces of plate movement can change a flat plain into land- forms such as anticlines and synclines, folded mountains, fault- block mountains, and plateaus. 
Key questions:
what are the three main types of stress in rock? 
The three main types are tension, compression and shearing.

how does tension change the shape of Earths crust?
It pulls on the crust, stretching the so that it becomes thinner in the middle.

Compare the way that compression affects the crust to the way that tension effects the crust? 
 Compression squeezes rock until it folds or breaks and tension pulls on the crust, stretching the so that it becomes thinner in the middle. So the two do totally different things. 

What is a fault? 
 hen enough stress builds up in the rock, the rock breaks, creating a fault.

Why do faults often occur along plate boundaries?
Because its where the forces of plate motion push or pull the crust so much that the crust breaks.

What types of faults is formed when plates diverge, or pull apart? what type of faults is formed when plates are pushed together? 
It is normal faults and reverse faults. 

Name five kinds of landforms caused by plate movement? 
anticlines, synclines, folded mountains, fault- block mountains, and plateaus. 

Notes for Billy the science guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The earths surface is on top of lava. (Magma)
  • The earths surface is really flexible.
  • Heat makes the plates move.
  • When plates touch or scratch each other they create mountains
  • Lava comes out as some kind of liquid and then it freezes and becomes rock.

Friday, January 14, 2011


After reading pages 24 and 25 i have learned more about waves and how they react. For example, When an object or waves hit a surface through which it cannot pass, it bounces back/ The angle of incidence is the angle between the incoming wave and the imaginary perpendicular to the surface and the last thing is when a wave passes through a barrier or moves through a hole in a barrier, it bends and spreads out. All these notes i took are from the, "Science Explorer" these notes are parity good and they give a good feeling about waves. Some of the words i learned are, The bending of waves due to a change in speed is called REFRACTION, another one is, the bending of waves around the edge of a barrier is known as DIFFRACTION.  

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Using balls to make trails!!!!!

Luka and I we partners for this project. We used 3 different types of balls we used a bouncy ball, a marble and a golf ball. The point of this was to see the reaction of the ball hitting something and to make tracks. The first way we made tracks was we get the bouncy ball and make it wet, then we get it and we roll it to the wall and the tracks will show on the wight paper. The second ball we used was a golf ball and for that ball we rolled it and the we used a marker to show were it went. The third ball we used is the marble and when we rolled we used the marker again.
So as you can see, the bouncy ball was the best because it bounced and came right back. In a little while i will post a video of it and i will have the picture of our research.    

Interacting with water Waves!!!!

For brins and my project we had to get a tube and fill it with water. With the water we used markers to make waves, with those waves we observed what would happen to the waves when they interact with something or with another wave.
In the observation we had to make 3 tapings with no blocker and then we had to do one with one blocker and one with two blockers. In our first try with no blockers, we taped lightly in two corners at the same time and as a result we got waves. The two waves crashed into each other and as a result we got even lighter waves because the waves slowed down when the two waves collided. In our second wave we taped harder in the exact same corners. So we had fast waves and when the collided the collision was greater. Because there are a lot of steps i will skip a few and go to our first try with a blocker, we put our first blocker on the left of the tube and we taped with one marker in the middle. So as a result we got a wave and when that wave took off it hit the blocker and then it bounced back, but some of the wave continued and it reached the other side of the tube.
So as you can see a wave can hit and object and then bounce back. A wave can come in many different ways a sound wave, sonar wave and a person talking is a wave as well. Waves are very interesting and come in very different ways.